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The Boomerang Effect: How Netanyahu Made Israel an American Issue, and Lost

Baroud, Ramzy

Publisher:  Antiwar.com
Date Written:  16/02/2018
Year Published:  2018  
Resource Type:  Article

Trends in US opinion polls indicate that Israel is not just losing support and overall appeal among large sections of American society but also among the newer generation of American Jews, a worrying change in US public opinion for the Israeli government.



It was on that date that the affinity between Israel and the US purportedly grew to unprecedented levels, since both countries claimed to be fighting "Islamic terror." In reality, the attacks, the ensuing media discourse and subsequent wars have all coagulated the support of Christian Evangelists behind Israel, as they saw the widening conflict in the Middle East as part of a long-awaited prophecy.

It was precisely then that the support of Israel by American Liberals, especially those identifying with the Democratic Party, began to weaken.

With time, supporting or not supporting Israel became a partisan issue, which is, itself, unprecedented.


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