How to create an ecological society
Ledwith, Sean http://climateandcapitalism.com/2018/02/03/how-to-create-an-ecological-society/
Publisher: Climate & Capitalism Date Written: 01/02/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
A review of the book "Creating an Ecological Society: Towards A Revolutionary Transformation" by Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams, which addresses different aspects of the debate on the politics of the environment.
Abstract: --
As part of their crucial perspective that the environmental crisis is one aspect of the systemic failure of capitalism, Magdoff and Williams also provide valuable analyses of the sexism, racism and poverty afflicting Western societies and explain why these forms of oppression cannot be siloed away from the impact of the rich on the biosphere. Again, their utilisation of official statistics provides powerful ammunition for activists. They note data from the UN that women's unpaid contribution to the global economy amounts to $11 trillion, and from the World Health Organisation that one-third of women around the world have experienced some form of physical or sexual violence, usually from a partner.
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