Crisis of the State, Crisis of the Left Articulating Socialism After the Anarchist Moment
Maher, Stephen http://socialistproject.ca/2018/03/crisis-of-the-state-crisis-of-left-socialism-after-anarchist-moment/
Publisher: Socialist Project Date Written: 09/03/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
'Augmenting the left' -- that is, finding ways to build new organizational alliances, expand practices of resistance, and culturally envision and collectively build toward a better world -- is not just a worthwhile project, but also an essential one. Human survival may depend upon it. In this regard, it must be recognized that there is also a crisis of the various post-Marxisms, especially to the extent that they tried to replace class as the central structural pivot around which different forms of oppression and counter-hegemonic emancipatory struggles condense.
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