Mozambique's farmers battle to keep land in Nakarari
Parenti, Enrico; Liberti, Stefano http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/mozambique-farmers-battle-land-nakarari-prosavana-180205085026683.h
Publisher: Al Jazeera Date Written: 12/02/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
Parenti and Liberti examine the Nakarari community's ongoing resistance to commercial agricultural planning.
Abstract: -
[Nakarari] is at the heart of the Nacala Corridor, a 14.5-million-hectare area where the government wants to implement the Programme of Triangular Cooperation for Agricultural Development of the Tropical Savannahs of Mozambique, more commonly known as ProSavana.
The project aims to convert the whole area into commercial agriculture, increasing the productivity and producing cash crops such as soybean, cotton and maize for export.
The railway crossing the corridor and the Nacala port, on the Indian Ocean, seem perfectly suited to reach the global market, especially China, the world's largest importer of soybean.
Although the government says ProSavana will benefit smallholders, many farmers in the area fear they will lose their land to make way for foreign companies.
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