On our way to the moon? A snapshot of feminist marches which shook the world.
Tutchell, Eva; Edmonds, John http://www.redpepper.org.uk/were-we-on-our-way-to-the-moon/
Publisher: Red Pepper Date Written: 06/02/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
The authors tell the story of the Midsummer's day 1908 'Votes for women' Suffragist rally and the March 1971 Women's Liberation Movement Demonstration in Hyde ParK, London.
Abstract: -
Votes for women: Midsummer's day, 1908
As the first fanfare of bugles sounded, the enormous crowd quietened for a moment. Then they saw the small figure of Emmeline Pankhurst moving to the front of the platform, and a uniquely feminine cry of joy swept across Hyde Park.
"Votes for Women", and then again "Votes for Women" and a third time, even louder, "Votes for Women".
There were nineteen other platforms and scores of other speakers but that elegant woman, with the extraordinary carrying voice, was the one they had all come to see and, if they could press close enough, to hear. Half a million people looked up at the leader of the suffragettes, knowing that history was being made.
This is an extract from The Stalled Revolution. The Stalled Revolution by Eva Tutchell and John Edmonds (Emerald Books)
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