Debunked: How VoA journalist pushed fake news story on 'Russian tanks crossing into Ukraine'
Publisher: RT Date Written: 10/04/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
The easily-verifiable false claim by Voice of America journalist that Russian tanks were filmed entering Ukraine was shared thousands of times before being debunked. The journalist, however, refused to issue a retraction.
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"Russian tanks passing into #Ukraine - this video taken yesterday, April 7, in a village in Rostov region next to the border between the two countries. Locals say this was a second convoy," Fatima Tlisova, who works for the Russian service of the US government-funded broadcaster, tweeted on April 8.
Tlisova did not reveal her source for the undated video, which showed several armored vehicles moving through a nondescript village. Nonetheless, despite flimsy evidence to back up the accusation of a foreign invasion, Twitter went into overdrive. Although Tlisova herself has fewer than 5,000 followers on the social network, the message was shared over 2,200 times in a matter of hours.
"How about another round of European sanctions on Putin cronies each time a column of Russian tanks is spotted rolling into #Ukraine? That would help bring an end to this madness," tweeted Maxim Tucker, a former journalist and current employee of the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundation.
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