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'NSA-proof' Tor actually funded by US govt agency, works with BBG, FBI & DOJ - FOIA docs


Publisher:  RT
Date Written:  01/03/2018
Year Published:  2018  
Resource Type:  Article

Newly released documents reveal that The Tor Project, a supposed safeguard against a surveillance state, has received funding from US government agency the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), and cooperates with intelligence agencies.



Tor, free software which enables anonymous communication over the internet, is a "privatized extension of the very same government that it claimed to be fighting," claims journalist Yasha Levine, who obtained 2,500 pages of correspondence about the project via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

According to Levine's research, Tor received "almost 100 percent" of its funding from three US government agencies: the Navy, the State Department, and the BBG. In collaboration with government agencies, Tor even drew up plans to deploy their anonymity tool to countries that Washington was actively working to destabilize - including China, Iran and Russia.

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