Gazan Gandhis: Gaza Bleeds Alone as 'Liberals' and 'Progressives' Go Mute
Baroud, Ramzy http://www.counterpunch.org/2018/05/02/gazan-gandhis-gaza-bleeds-alone-as-liberals-and-progressives-go-mute/
Publisher: CounterPunch Date Written: 02/05/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
Tens of thousands of protesters, raising Palestinian flags continue to hold their massive rallies across the Gaza border. Despite the high death toll and the thousands maimed, they return everyday with the same commitment to popular resistance that is predicated on collective unity, beyond factionalism and politics.But why are they still being largely ignored? It is politically convenient to criticize Palestinians as a matter of course, and utterly inconvenient to credit them, even when they display such courage, prowess and commitment to peaceful change.
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there is a lesson in all of this. The Palestinian people should have no expectations of those who have constantly failed them. Chastising Palestinians for failing at this or that is an old habit, meant to simply hold Palestinians responsible for their own suffering, and to absolve Israel from any wrong doing. Not even Israels incremental genocide in Gaza will change that paradigm.
Instead, Palestinians must continue to count on themselves; to stay focused on formulating a proper strategy that will serve their own interests in the long run, the kind of strategy that transcends factionalism and offer all Palestinians a true roadmap to the coveted freedom.
The popular resistance in Gaza is just the beginning; it must serve as a foundation for a new outlook
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