Remembering Italy's Cervi brothers amid far-right surge
Strickland, Patrick http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/02/remembering-italy-cervi-brothers-surge-180213164326651.html
Publisher: Al Jazeera Date Written: 19/02/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
The Cervi brothers in Italy are famous for leading the local peasant resistance against Benito Mussolini's rule. Today, Adelmo Cervi is still a leading voice against the rise of far-right populist parties in Italy.
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With groups like CasaPound and Forza Nuova on the rise, Adelmo has become increasingly active in anti-fascist projects and education initiatives in recent years.
He speaks at demonstrations, public schools, universities and in debates.
In addition to advocating the rights of refugees and migrants, he also tracks down young people who are involved in far-right groups to warn them of the dangers to democracy.
The older generation, he says, should educate the young to prevent the conditions that lay the foundation for the far right.
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