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Will The Conspiracy Against Trump and American Democracy Go Unpunished?

Roberts, Paul Craig

Publisher:  Dissident Voice
Date Written:  08/02/2018
Year Published:  2018  
Resource Type:  Article

The American people do not realize the seriousness of the Russiagate conspiracy against them and President Trump. Polls indicate that a large majority of the public do not believe that Trump conspired with Putin to steal the presidential election, and are tired of hearing the media prostitutes repeat the absurd story day after day. On its face the story makes no sense whatsoever.



Russiagate is a dagger aimed at the heart of American governmental institutions. A conspiracy involving top officials of the Obama Department of Justice, FBI, and other "security" agencies was formed together with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, the purpose of which was to defeat Trump in the presidential election and, failing that, to remove Trump from office or to discredit him to the point that he would be reduced to a mere figurehead. This conspiracy has the full backing entirely of the mainstream media.

In other words, it was a coup not only against Donald Trump but also against American democracy and the outcome of a presidential election.

There is no doubt whatsoever about this. The facts are publicly available in the declassified Top Secret Memorandum Opinion and Order of the FISA Court--and in the declassified report from the House Intelligence Committee--given by the presstitutes the misleading name of the "Nunes Memo," as if it is Nunes' personal opinion and not the findings of months of work by an oversight committee of Congress.

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