The Nightmare of Neoliberal Fascism
Giroux, Henry A.; Karlin, Mark http://socialistproject.ca/2018/06/henry-giroux-nightmare-of-neoliberal-fascism/
Publisher: Socialist Project Date Written: 18/06/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
Henry A. Geroux gives his analysis on such subjects as fascism and white nationalism in the age of Trump, and the state of higher education in a time of Neo-liberalism.
Abstract: --
MK: How are state violence and white nationalism related?
HG: Under the Trump regime, state violence and white nationalism are two sides of the same register of white supremacy and domestic terrorism. Trumps call to "Make America Great Again," his slogan "America First" and his emphatic call for a "law and order" regime are shorthand for legitimating state violence against Black people, Muslims, undocumented immigrants, and those "others" who do not fit into his racist notion of ultra-nationalism and his attempts to resuscitate a white public sphere as emblematic of American white supremacy. Ta-Nehisi Coates is right in stating that, "Trump's ideology is white supremacy." The merging of state sanctioned racism and state violence is the ideological signpost that informs Trump's notion of white Christian nationalism, which allows him to assemble a broad coalition of bigots, white supremacists, super-patriots, apocalyptic populists and militarists.
Under Trump, identity politics has surfaced with a revenge as the Republican Party unabashedly embraces itself as the white people's party. Under such circumstances, Trump's supportive response to incidents of violence by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, should surprise no one, given the history of racism in the United States in general, and in the Republican Party (and Democratic Party as well) in particular.
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