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A Redder Shade of Green: Intersections of Science and Socialism

Angus, Ian
Publisher:  Monthly Review Press
Date Written:  01/07/2017
Year Published:  2017  
Pages:  204pp   Price:  $22.00   ISBN:  9781583676448
Resource Type:  Book

As the Anthropocene advances, people across the red-green political spectrum seek to understand and halt our deepening ecological crisis. Environmentalists, scientists, and ecosocialists share concerns about the misuse and overuse of natural resources, but often differ on explanations and solutions.



Ian Angus responds to these concerns in A Redder Shade of Green, with a fresh, insightful clarity, bringing socialist values to science, and scientific rigor to socialism. He challenges not only mainstream green thought, but also radicals who misuse or misrepresent environmental science. Angus’s argument that confronting environmental destruction requires both cutting-edge scientific research and a Marxist understanding of capitalism makes this book an essential resource in the fight to prevent environmental destruction in the twenty-first century.

Ian Angus demonstrates that twenty-first century socialism is necessarily ecological and that twenty-first century ecology is just as necessarily socialist. He achieves this remarkable result by means of debates, polemics, and arguments that serve to reunite socialism with science and ecology with the humanity’s long revolution for sustainable human development. This is a profound work of hope that draws its strength from its courageous confrontation with the challenges and burdens of our time.

—John Bellamy Foster, co-author (with Paul Burkett), Marx and the Earth

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