Bolton calls on Al-Qaeda to stage more chemical attacks in Syria
Bartlett, Eva http://www.rt.com/op-ed/436783-us-syria-chemical-attack-bolton/
Publisher: RT Date Written: 24/08/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
The latest statements from the US, France and UK warning against the use of chemical weapons in Syria leave many skeptical and disbelieving of the alarm cries, having seen this song and dance before. Chemical weapons accusations are among the most overused war propaganda tactic used by the West during the war on Syria.
Abstract: --
Following the April 2018 White House accusation that the Syrian government used sarin in Douma, and in spite of Damascus' insistence on an OPCW investigation, FUKUS bombed Syria, including Damascus' densely-inhabited Barzeh district, destroying a site which was involved in production of cancer treatment components, but not chemical weapons.
In Douma, medical staff said that patients had not shown symptoms of a chemical attack. Douma citizens likewise said there hadn't been a chemical attack. Seventeen Douma civilians and medical staff testified this at the Hague. Corporate media snidely dismissed these testimonies.
The OPCW's July 2018 interim report on Douma noted that in samples taken from alleged sites, no chemicals that are prohibited in the Chemical Weapons Convention were detected. The OPCW found traces of "chlorinated organic chemicals", but not Sarin, as alleged by supposed expert Eliot Higgins and the White House, among others.
Who benefits from these repeated allegations? Would the Syrian government truly have benefited had it perpetrated any of these alleged attacks? No. Would it have been logical for the Syrian president to have ordered such a chemical attack, knowing it would bring forward the wrath of Obama, Trump, and their allies? Do these allegations benefit the regime-change coalition? Yes.
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