Israel rolls out the welcome mat for Europe's neo-fascists
Van Auken, Bill http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/12/14/pers-d14.html
Publisher: World Socialist Web Site Date Written: 14/12/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
The recent visit to Israel of a dominant figure in Italy's right-wing coalition government, is the latest in an increasingly open alliance between the Israeli state and resurgent forces of the far-right and neo-fascism in Europe.
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The same social and economic contradictions that are giving rise to the growth of neo-fascism in Europe and elsewhere are producing similar results in Israel itself. A garrison state involved in continuous acts of militarism in the Middle East, Israel is also wracked by social tensions, registering the highest poverty rate of any of the so-called developed countries and the most extreme social inequality, with the exception of the United States. These conditions have generated mounting working class protests and strikes, including a recent nationwide walkout by social workers over poor pay and deteriorating working conditions.
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