Climate Jobs for All Building Block for the Green New Deal
Brecher, Jeremy http://www.counterpunch.org/2018/12/03/climate-jobs-for-all/
Publisher: Counterpunch Date Written: 03/12/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
A federal climate jobs guarantee (CJG) is a proposed program similar to the New Deal's WPA that would prioritize jobs that protect and improve the environment. Polls show that the program has popular support and could be a major political force in 2020.
Abstract: --
Excerpt: The federal jobs guarantee (JG) is a concept also known as "jobs for all" and the federal government as "employer of last resort." It envisions a federal program somewhat like the New Deal's Works Progress Administration (WPA) that would provide funds for non-profit organizations, local governments, and other agencies serving the public to employ anyone who wants a job at a wage roughly comparable to the demands of the Fight for $15 campaign....
The advocates of JG generally include climate protection as one of many types of work beneficial to the public that might be included in a jobs guarantee program....
The climate jobs guarantee has also been finding political support. Sen. Bernie Sanders is developing a jobs guarantee proposal; many Democratic candidates and presidential hopefuls have supported the idea. It was projected into the 2018 campaign and is likely to play an even greater role in 2020.
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