U.S.A : How Federal Workers Could Fight the Shutdown
Haney, Ryan; Beckett, Ben http://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?article47450
Publisher: Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres Date Written: 02/01/2019 Year Published: 2019 Resource Type: Article
Federal workers have dealt with low pay, degraded working conditions, and repeated employer lockouts. If they want to improve their conditions, they'll have to organize.
Abstract: --
With gridlock in Washington and 0 percent raises even in recent years when a Democrat was in the White House, there's little reason to hope the federal government will become a better employer anytime soon.
If federal workers want to stop the attacks on their livelihoods and their dignity, the only realistic path is the same as for any group of workers facing a mean and unpredictable boss, cuts to pay and benefits in real dollars, and unexpected furloughs: they need to organize.
Federal workers won't be consistently treated with real respect and dignity until they can present a credible threat to shut down the government - on their terms, not their bosses'.
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