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Kichwa community commits to eco-sustainable tourism

Moiola, Paolo

Publisher:  Latinamerica Press
Date Written:  12/11/2017
Year Published:  2017  
Resource Type:  Article

In Ecuador the Sani Isla Indignenous community runs a sustainable eco-tourism business. Although in close proximity to oil companies they do not cooperate with them and are in legal disputes with them due to the impact of pollution.



Sani Isla is the name of a Kichwa indigenous community of a thousand people living on the banks of the Napo River, in front of the Yasuní National Park. In recent years, the community has had to face the expansionist efforts of the oil companies, first the US oil company Occidental Petroleum (OXY) and then the Ecuadorian Petroamazonas company. The first one left, the second one has also begun to operate within neighboring Yasuní, a world treasure trove of biodiversity and home to some ethnic groups living in isolation. After some hesitations, however, the community of Sani Isla has chosen the path of eco-sustainable tourism, craftwork, and forestry, distancing itself from the sirens of the oil companies. At least for the time being....

The jungle lodges have a rather limited environmental impact both by the small number of tourists that they attract due to their high cost and by their ecologically sustainable practices. In any case, no human activity produces an impact comparable to the devastation inherent in any oil activity (exploration, drilling, extraction, transport, etc.). The community of Sani Isla knows this very well because its relationship with the oil companies has caused a division in its midst in the past.

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