The US war on China's economic model The growing hostility of Western governments to China is more about the interests of Western investors than legitimate security fears
Gowans, Stephen http://gowans.wordpress.com/2018/12/30/the-us-war-on-chinas-economic-model/
Publisher: Stephen Gowans Date Written: 30/12/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
China poses no military threat to the US but is still considered a top threat to the US. Although this perceived threat is economic that may not stop the US from military intervention.
Abstract: --
What has China done to make successive US administrations see it as a major external threat and the real enemy? The answer is that China has developed a state-led economic model that limits the profit-making opportunities of US investors and challenges their control of high-technology sectors, including artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, essential to US military supremacy....
Time and again, underdeveloped countries have implemented economic models at the core of which have been state-owned enterprises and industrial planning. In almost every case, Washington has used sanctions, the CIA, or the Pentagon, or all three, to put a stop to this threat to the profit-making interests of the United Statess 'substantial' citizens. Today, the US elite is agreed that China must be 'contained', even if there is no agreement on how. The think-tank, the RAND Corporation, funded by the US government, US corporations, and US investors, has even contemplated open war as a solution.
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