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The US war on China's economic model
The growing hostility of Western governments to China is more about the interests of Western investors than legitimate security fears

Gowans, Stephen

Publisher:  Stephen Gowans
Date Written:  30/12/2018
Year Published:  2018  
Resource Type:  Article

China poses no military threat to the US but is still considered a top threat to the US. Although this perceived threat is economic that may not stop the US from military intervention.



What has China done to make successive US administrations see it as a major external threat and the real enemy? The answer is that China has developed a state-led economic model that limits the profit-making opportunities of US investors and challenges their control of high-technology sectors, including artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, essential to US military supremacy....

Time and again, underdeveloped countries have implemented economic models at the core of which have been state-owned enterprises and industrial planning. In almost every case, Washington has used sanctions, the CIA, or the Pentagon, or all three, to put a stop to this threat to the profit-making interests of the United States’s 'substantial' citizens. Today, the US elite is agreed that China must be 'contained', even if there is no agreement on how. The think-tank, the RAND Corporation, funded by the US government, US corporations, and US investors, has even contemplated open war as a solution.


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