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What Fascism is, and Isn't

Oppenheimer, Martin

Publisher:  Against the Current
Date Written:  01/05/2018
Year Published:  2018  
Resource Type:  Article

By examining historicial fascist movements, Oppenheimer delineates what is and isn't fascism and also explores the common themes between the alt-right and its fascist predecessors.




Many people see Donald Trump as the harbinger of a fascist regime and the "alt-right" as proto-Nazis. Real-existing Fascism as practiced in 1930s-'40s Germany and Italy, however, claimed to represent a revolutionary movement to overturn the old order -- in contrast to counter-revolutionary movements that seek to restore an earlier regime of landlords and capitalists after a popular government has engaged in reforms threatening that class.

Thus, for example, the Nazis made no effort to restore a Kaiser.

Fascists did come to power in Germany and Italy more or less legally, and maintained the existing parliamentary system for a time. But this was only to prepare for its extinction and replacement by a "New Order."

Mussolini's regime was based on worker and employer syndicates or "corporations." This scheme was at least partially implemented following the suppression of independent unions and the parties of the left.


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