Marx is dead, long live Marx!
Duran, Raul Garcia http://insurgentnotes.com/2018/05/marx-is-dead-long-live-marx/
Publisher: Insurgent Notes Date Written: 20/05/2018 Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article
Duran describes 1968 as an an "ideological revolution which unquestionably affected the dominant revolutionary ideology, Marxism, and here begins my contribution, which I will divide into two large sections: an account of the situation in Spain, and then the rebirth of Marxism, and why we can say: 'Long live Marx!'"
The new revolution was not only ideological, but also practical, and was reflected in concrete political organizations:
The hierarchical Communist Parties continued to be the major force, but a force that was divided, on one hand, in the orthodox core (the Spanish Communist Party, or pce) which was evolving toward a conservative and techno-bureaucratic Euro-communism, after taking its distances from Moscow over the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, an evolution which was concretized in Spain in the politics of national reconciliation, in other words in the "0social pact" (the same pact with which Keynes had re-launched capitalism), a pact between the different social forces (including progressive business elements) on two common bases: anti-Francoism and rationality, i.e., democracy and technological progress.
This evolution, and the expulsions of Fernando Claudin and Jorge Semprún, produced different heterodox splits, giving rise to Trotskyist and Maoist parties. Of the Trotskyists, the Revolutionary Trotskyist League (Liga Comunista Revolucionaria, lcr) was founded in 1971 by members of the Catalan group Comunismo. It was the Spanish section of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International, one of the fractions into which the Trotskyist Fourth International was divided. The lcr was born with a perspective of refusing class collaboration and putting an end to capitalism, and argued for a model of territorial organization based on a federation of republics, recognizing the right of self-determination for each of them.
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