Letter Regarding Canadas Extradition Law and the Case of Dr. Hassan Diab
http://www.connexions.org/CxLibrary/Docs/Ref53383-Letter_ExtraditionLaw&HassanDiab_Nov2014.pdf http://justiceforhassandiab.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Letter_Extradition_Law_and_Case_of_Hassan_Diab_Nov2014.pdf
Year Published: 2014 Resource Type: Article
In light of the case of Hassan Diab, a Canadian citizen under threat of extradition to France, we, the undersigned, call on the Federal Minister of Justice to substantially revise current Canadian extradition law. We further demand that the Federal Minister of Justice refuse the request from France that Dr. Hassan Diab be extradited, a refusal that ought to have been rendered six years ago when this nightmare began.
Abstract: -
Canadian extradition law is a farce. Enacted in 1999 with little debate in Parliament, the act as it stands permits Canadian citizens to be extradited to requesting countries simply on the presumption that the evidence held by those countries is reliable. This presumption of reliability applies even to evidence that is inadmissible in Canadian courts. The requesting state only needs to provide a summary of its cherry-picked evidence and is under no obligation to disclose all of its case. At the same time, the bar that the requested person faces to challenge the evidence against them is so high that it is practically unattainable. Canadians facing extradition are also explicitly prohibited from introducing evidence pointing to their innocence. This is a patent case of guilty until proven innocent, and it goes against both the values of Canadians and the intent of the legal protections in place in Canada.
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