Lots of Scurrying But No Revolution in Sight Book Review
Lindberg, Sandra http://solidarity-us.org/atc/199/women-saving-planet/
Publisher: Against the Current Date Written: 01/03/2019 Year Published: 2019 Resource Type: Article
Disappointed review of a collecton of essays of women and climate change, mostly in support of reforming the status quo.
Abstract: --
Why Women Will Save the Planet, 2nd Edition By Friends of the Earth and C40 Cities London: Zed Books, 2018, $14.95 paperback.
FRIENDS OF THE Earth, an environmental activist organization claiming two million supporters and five thousand member groups, offers its second edition of Why Women Will Save the Planet.
This edition, focused on cities, includes contributions by C40 Cities, a network of 96 cities working to address climate change. C40 Cities self-reports that it represents "650+ million people and one-quarter of the global economy...."
Yet each time the connection among an oppressive economic system, womens subjugation and looming planetary catastrophe appear, the next step - outright criticism of capitalism - fails to manifest, with only three exceptions.
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