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Hollywood's 'Captain Marvel' Blockbuster Is Blatant US Military Propaganda

Norton, Ben

Publisher:  Grayzone
Date Written:  12/03/2019
Year Published:  2019  
Resource Type:  Article

Captain Marvel is the latest in a long line of movies made with the cooperation and approval of the US military.




As soon as the film opens, it bombards viewers with two hours of non-stop US military propaganda. And it is not even subtle; at the plot's climax, Captain Marvel changes the colors of her suit to match those of the American flag.

But the US military is not only part of the story of Captain Marvel; as The Grayzone details below, the Pentagon was deeply involved in the production of the film itself....

Captain Marvel was marketed as a feminist blockbuster, a rare superhero movie featuring a female lead. As the women-centered magazine Elle trumpeted, "Captain Marvel Is Now the Highest Grossing Movie With a Female Lead Ever."

As is so often the case in Hollywood, however, ostensibly progressive breakthroughs in cultural representation were seamlessly blended with US militarist propaganda.


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