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The Sad Story of Canadian Geographic
Former employees say the nature magazine became a paid mouthpiece for oil companies and others.

Brown, Jesse

Publisher:  Canadaland
Date Written:  21/07/2015
Year Published:  2015  
Resource Type:  Article

Staff at Canadian Geographic magazine report that it publishes articles financed and vetted by companies without disclosing it as sponsored content.




Morantz, who worked on contract at the magazine for over three years, says that management abandoned the editorial policy of identifying sponsored content with an article in its December 2012 issue about polar research.

The research being featured was an initiative of the Weston Foundation, who also sponsored the article, according to Morantz.

"Previously we would have labeled a feature like this ‘Special Section, in partnership with the Weston Foundation,'" he recalls. "But the disclaimer was changed right before publication to 'Special Report on Northern Research.' You don't take money from a source," he tells CANADALAND, "and pass off the resulting work as journalism."


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