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How would a revolutionary government protect the environment?
There is an enormous unused human potential waiting to be drawn into the job of saving the ecosphere. How can it be mobilized?

Fidler, Richard

Publisher:  Climate & Capitalism
Date Written:  25/03/2019
Year Published:  2019  
Resource Type:  Article

A look at how a revolutionary government would combat climate change. Includes a lengthy excerpt from the pamphlet The Green Tax Fraud by Dick Nichols.




These tasks, already identified and pursued by the movement seeking "system change, not climate change," are best understood and combined through a strategy that aims to put state power in the hands of the popular classes, through a government of the workers and farmers - those who, through their labor, transform Earth’s natural resources into our means of subsistence and fulfillment.

The Communist Manifesto succinctly described this transition as a revolution that would "raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class" and "use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie" through "despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production."

What would a revolutionary government look like, and how would it differ from the ostensibly "socialist" governments of the 20th century such as the Soviet Union and its closest allies?

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