The U.S.' Refusal of Entry to Arnold August Is a Dangerous Precedent for All Activists
Bodine, Alison http://www.coha.org/the-u-s-refusal-of-entry-to-arnold-august-is-a-dangerous-precedent-for-all-activists/
Publisher: Council on Hemispheric Affairs Date Written: 29/03/2019 Year Published: 2019 Resource Type: Article
The US's refusal of entry to August is part of a long history of targeting people at the borders. This limits our democratic rights to organize and express political views peacefully.
On March 16, 2019, more than 1000 activists from across the U.S. gathered in Washington, DC for the "U.S Hands Off Venezuela!" demonstration. However, Canadian journalist Arnold August was not one of them earlier in the day he was unjustly denied entry into the United States at U.S. Customs and Immigration in the Montreal Airport....
It is no coincidence that August was refused entry into the United States while on his way to attend a protest demanding an end to U.S. war on Venezuela. The U.S. government is actively attempting to limit the reach of his dissenting voice, and send a signal to other like-minded people, that they too might be targeted. As August explained in an interview for this article, "I guess they didnt like what I was doing with regards to Venezuela within the United States of America."
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