Sri Lanka Easter Sunday Massacre: Reflection Of Long Time Silence
Seyyid, Sharmila http://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?article48719
Publisher: Europe Soldiaire Sans Frontieres Date Written: 29/04/2019 Year Published: 2019 Resource Type: Article
A personal story about extreme ideologies that infiltrated Islamic societies.
These sudden growth of thoughts and ideas was translated into funding for our schools from Arab countries. The Qur'an that we learnt after giving donations of 200-300 rupees became 3000 rupees a month to learn. Religious education was declared to be essential. It became a business. By propagating ideas about the Khilafat youth were fed the illusion that this land must be ruled by Muslims. Maulvis we knew who took no salaries and sang the calls to prayer visited foreign countries and returned. Their friends from Pakistan and the Middle East began visiting and staying in their homes. They held lavish feasts for them complete with mutton and beef. The smell of Marijuana in their curries filled our senses and wafted through our winds.
No one was interested in asking how such changes in thought occurred.
I can see clearly in front of my eyes all those who shamelessly played and won the politics of arguing that if the Sinhalese culture can change and they wear the seethai we can wear the abaya too. How come our 'cultural' practice is 'terrorist', they asked
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