Canadas new far right: A trove of private chat room messages reveals an extremist subculture An analysis of 150,000 chat room messages paints a picture of a group that is actively recruiting new members, buying weapons and trying to
Publisher: Globe and Mail Date Written: 27/04/2019 Year Published: 2019 Resource Type: Article
The Globe and Mail has obtained a trove of 150,000 messages posted between February, 2017, and early 2018 that reveal the private communications of a loosely aligned node of Canadian right-wing extremists. The record of their continuing conversations reveals a movement, energized by the rise of white ethnonationalism in the United States, that aims to upend a decades-old multicultural consensus in this country.
It is evident that an internet-based extremist subculture has spread across the globe. What to do about it is an urgent question, both for politicians and for the leaders of some of the worlds biggest social-media companies. The group chats reviewed by The Globe provide rare insight into who and what is behind this movement, and serve as a sober reminder that Canada is among the global breeding grounds of hate.
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