Why The 'Ok Boomer' phenomenon is short-sighted Millennials and Generation Zers have more in common with struggling boomers than wealthy elites our own age
Cosh, Alex http://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/millennials-and-generation-zers-we-have-more-in-common-with-struggling-boom
Publisher: Canadian Dimension Date Written: 17/11/2019 Year Published: 2019 Resource Type: Article
The "Ok Boomer" meme, which many young people are using online as a rebuttal against supposedly out-of-touch baby boomers, taps into frustrations disproportionately experienced by millennials and Generation Zers -- particularly in Canada's most unaffordable cities. Unfortunately, however, the meme also represents a discourse that ignores the many older people experiencing poverty, discrimination and hardship.
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