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The Mass Media Will Never Regain The Public’s Trust

Johnstone, Caitlin

Date Written:  26/04/2021
Year Published:  2021  
Resource Type:  Article

It doesn’t ultimately matter what mainstream pundits and reporters believe is the cause of the public’s growing disgust with them, because there's nothing they can do to fix it anyway. The mass media will never regain the public's trust.



actually it doesn’t ultimately matter what mainstream pundits and reporters believe is the cause of the public’s growing disgust with them, because there’s nothing they can do to fix it anyway. The mass media will never regain the public’s trust.

They’ll never regain the public’s trust for a couple of reasons, the first of which is because they’ll never be able to become trustworthy. At no point will the mass media ever begin wowing the public with its journalistic integrity and causing people to re-evaluate their opinion of mainstream news reporters. At no point will people’s disdain for these outlets ever cease to be reinforced and confirmed by the manipulative and deceitful behaviors which caused that disdain in the first place.

A propaganda outlet will never be anything other than a propaganda outlet. A lot of half-awake people with one eye open and one eye closed will notice how the news media don’t practice journalism and don’t report the facts, and they’ll assume that something went wrong at some point. “Just do your jobs and report the news!” they’ll shout in frustration.

But nothing has gone wrong, and they are doing their jobs. They are doing their jobs extremely well.


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