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his story in pictures / son histore illustree - Bilingula Bilingue

Publisher:  VC Press
Year Published:  1975  
Pages:  80pp   ISBN:  09196-0034-4
Dewey:  617.092,4
Resource Type:  Pamphlet

This book is based on a picture book entitled Dr. Bethune, published in Chinese in Shanghai by the Shanghai People's Publishing House.


Publisher's Description:

This book is based on a picture book entitled Dr. Bethune, published in Chinese in Shanghai by the Shanghai People's Publishing House. The English translation was done by an editorial committee consisting of Linda Capacchione, Jim Endicott, and Caroline Perly. The French translation by Edith Hemery and Claudia Amodeo. Itroduction by Barry Lord. A selection of the original drawings which apepared in the Chinese edition have been reproduced here along with original drawings on Bethune's life in Canada, by Lynn Hutchison Brown.

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