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Victimhood has become a cult that wants you to suffer forever
I know because I broke free of its grasp.

Narwitz, Sophia

Publisher:  RT
Date Written:  14/08/2020
Year Published:  2020  
Resource Type:  Article

Victim culture is pervasive. From gaming to politics, an endless cycle of hurt feelings has tainted all it touches. But in a society where depression is skyrocketing, it’s time to call out a mindset that is ruining people’s lives.


thanks to social media, ever younger people are being dragged through the muck. Gone are the days of coping skills. They’ve been replaced with safe spaces and special catering. Don’t like something? Well then cry and cry and cry about it until it is forcefully changed. We have allowed a generation of tantrum-throwing babies to gain a semblance of control, and like an actual child throwing a tantrum, the worst thing one can do is give them what they want every time the angry tears start swelling.

No longer are teens and adults alike prepared for the real world. Existence isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, and disaster in some form is always around the corner, yet seemingly few have the mentality to deal with life’s hardships anymore. Made all the worse because much of this mental damage is self-inflicted. Victim-warriors allowed words and images to manifest into physical entities, and now they are using them like bullets to repeatedly shoot themselves in the head. And after every round, healing becomes ever more difficult.


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