Heroes But Not Saints: Why We Shouldn't 'Cancel' Flawed Progressive Icons
Dreier, Peter http://portside.org/2021-04-30/heroes-not-saints-why-we-shouldnt-cancel-flawed-progressive-icons
Publisher: Portside Date Written: 30/04/2021 Year Published: 2021 Resource Type: Article
Planned Parenthood need not reinforce the misconceptions about Sanger that the pro-life movement and right-wingers in general have been perpetuating for decades. These misleading views about Sanger hinge on two aspects of her life that have generated considerable controversy and debate.
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Any fair-minded understanding of Margaret Sanger and other progressive activists and thinkers needs to consider the totality of those people's contributions to the struggle for social justice. We shouldn't ignore their offensive views or behavior. But we should also not judge people by their worst moments. We need to recognize that they like many other reformers and radicals were human beings who were both trapped by and sought to escape the social and political straitjackets of their times.
If we require our progressive and radical heroes to be saints if we eliminate leaders from the progressive pantheon because they held some views or engaged in behaviors that were conventional in their day but problematic today we won't have many people left to admire.
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