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Fred Hampton vs Race Bamboozlers: Solidarity is the Key to Justice
Solidarity is the Key to Justice

Fikremariam, Teodrose

Year Published:  2021  
Resource Type:  Article

Where I part with CRT and BLM is when they take these evident truths about our country and weaponize them to collectively judge “others”, monopolize pains, arrogantly lecture people and silence anyone who disagrees with them. Forgetting the lessons of Martin Luther King—who wisely noted that hate cannot be driven out with hate—advocates of CRT and BLM insist on being divisive instead of forging common grounds with other marginalized communities the way Fred Hampton did in the 1960s.



This critique is not aimed at everyday people who support Critical Race Theory or Black Lives Matter, my harsh rebuke is reserved only for those who enjoy mass followings and being paid and promoted by the establishment to incite emotions, antagonize “white” people and fracture society into the ghettoes of manufactured labels and meaningless dogmas. Far from leading conversations that are meant to heal the festering wounds of racism, black opinion leaders are funded and propagated to rip old scars open and keep America marooned in the wasteland of identity politics.

We have to understand the vendors of CRT and BLM like Ibram X. Kendi, Ta-Nehisi Coates and Jemele Hill for who and what they are. They are not revolutionary thinkers who are determined to help their people, they are opportunists who leverage the suffering of African-Americans to line their pockets with the money of the very same “white” supremacists they pretend to rail against. The government-media-corporate complex rewards demagogues who filter social ills through the prism of identity and ideologies in order to prevent a grass-roots movement that is determined in transcending America’s caste system of race that was constructed by malicious racists.


Critical Race Theory takes the baton from BLM and goes one step further in terms of deploying Machiavellian tactics to splinter communities into opposing factions. As I noted earlier, collective judgment is immoral; all “white” people are not responsible for the sins of the past. Contrary to these race bamboozlers talking points, the vast majority of “white” people in the 19th and 20th-century were dirt poor and struggling to make it. The evil that was slavery was not designed and perpetuated by “white” people in toto but formulated by a minority of “white” people who made vast fortunes by turning humans into chattel. If we are going to castigate all “white” people for the sins of slavery, are we willing to accept blame for the genocide that Bush committed in Iraq because we did not forcefully speak against the propaganda that led us into a catastrophic war?


The better path I’m referring to is one that was espoused by the previously mentioned Fred Hampton, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. All three pursued inclusive justice before they were all gunned down by forces who were hell-bent on preventing unity and were resolute in keeping “black” people mired in poverty. Compare Fred Hampton’s Black Panther Party to the empty calories offered by Coates and Kendi and you will realize the difference between bridge builders and community destroyers. The BPP did not wait around begging for others to acknowledge them, they did not ask for handouts nor did they stay stuck in victim mode.

To the contrary, they organized locally and sacrificed tremendously to build up the communities where they live. The Black Panther Party started soup kitchens, built schools and offered free clinics as they worked assiduously to empower their community. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter funnel contributions to the Democrat party by way of front companies like “Act Blue” as they treat the “black” people they supposedly speak for as stepping stools. While they encouraged their supporters to “get confrontational”, BLM leaders like Cullors are sipping Chablis in their million-dollar gated mansions.


As much as the ruling class gaslights us into thinking that our pains are only felt by us, the truth is that the injustices most of us care about are interconnected. At this exact moment, a “black” child in Chicago is being startled by gunshots outside her window while a “white” child in the Appalachians is going to sleep with an empty stomach. The key to freedom is not through separatism but through solidarity. The establishment have been stoking resentments and fomenting strife for centuries, it is high time that we stop falling for their hoodwink and instead unite with others who are likewise being pillaged by the global aristocracy


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