The woke mob are headed down the same well-trodden book-burning road as the Conquistadors and the Nazis
Stone, Charlie http://www.rt.com/op-ed/538522-kids-books-harmful-content/
Publisher: RT Year Published: 2022 Resource Type: Article
Abstract: -
Now it's the woke mob who are doing the 'burning'. Loads of classic kids' books in the digital archive at Cambridge Universitys Homerton College will be labelled with 'trigger warnings' by researchers in the future, so sensitive souls can be made aware of 'harmful content relating to slavery, colonialism and racism'.
More than 10,000 books and magazines are being analysed to highlight authors deemed - by these self-appointed 'experts' - "offensive to historically enslaved, colonised or denigrated people" before being uploaded to a digital archive. Any scarily offensive words or images will be highlighted and flagged, and then a warning will be included at the beginning of the offending book.
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