
Freeing the World to Death Essays on the American Empire
Blum, William http://williamblum.org/books/freeing-the-world-to-death
Publisher: Common Courage Press Year Published: 2004 Pages: 314pp ISBN: 9781567513066 Resource Type: Book
A collection of essays written by William Blum, some of which were published over the past decade in various magazines and anthologies, some appeared in his regular internet newsletter: The Anti-Empire Report, some which appeared only on his website, and some written explicitly for this book.
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Table of Contents
The Anti-Empire Report Monthly commentaries (July 2004 and earlier) Interventions Are Us Myth and Denial in the War on terrorism: Just why do terrorists terrorize? Reflections on September 11, 2001 and the bombing of Afghanistan What do the imperial mafia really want? Setting a high (double) standard: Supplying Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction Debate in Dublin: "America's foreign policy does more harm than good." The 1998 bombings of Afghanistan and Sudans Medicine Supply Peru: Their Terrorists, Our Freedom Fighters Madeleine Albright, ethically challenged The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103 - Case Not Closed Interventions: The Unending List (includes Venezuela) The Cold War Before there were terrorists, there were communists and the Wonderful World of Anti-Communism Hiroshima: Last military act of World War II or first act of the Cold War? Will humans ever fly? Smashing socialism in the 20th century Overthrowing other peoples governments: The Master List The Empire at Home Conversations (sort of) with Americans Cuban political prisoners ... in the United States Treason: None dare call it nothing If John Kerry is the answer, what is the question? "Letter from America", columns in The Ecologist of London Winning hearts and mindless Being There with Alan Greenspan and Ayn Rand If in doubt, call the FBI The Election Circus Book review: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy The myth of America's "booming economy" And now for something completely different: A New Yorker trapped in Los Angeles Notes Index
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