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Gassing Immigrants in Detention with a Highly Toxic Industrial Disinfectant

Lindorff, David

Publisher:  This Can't Be Happening!
Date Written:  15/08/2020
Year Published:  2020  
Resource Type:  Article

What is being done to immigrant detainees by the US is a grotesque chemical assault on America's "undesirables."



HDQ Neutral thankfully isn't as toxic as the Zyklon B gas used by Nazi death squads at the German extermination camps, but what is being done to immigrant detainees by the US is still a grotesque chemical assault on America's "undesirables," differing from the Nazi efforts against their human victims only in degree. The inhumanity of the overloads administering this toxin to their captive victims is little different from that which was punished, often with death sentences, in the Nuremberg Trials that followed World War II.

One can only hope that when this Trumpian nightmare is over in the US, Donald Trump and his criminal henchman in the Homeland Secuirty Department will be similarly hauled before a court to face crimes against humanity charges for their abuse of immigrants, including young children, as as for their other grotesque crimes.


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