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Key Biodiversity Areas


First Published:  2022
Resource Type:  Website

KBAs are sites that contribute to the persistence of biodiversity nationally and globally. Found across land, freshwater, and marine environments, KBAs support rare and threatened species and ecosystems, as well as key natural processes.

Abstract:  Our planet is facing an increasingly uncertain future. The growing extinction crisis, accelerating impacts of climate change and an ever-growing human footprint are significantly reducing biological diversity and the integrity of ecosystems. Countries around the world have recognized that more must be done to slow the rapid decline of biodiversity.
KBAs are sites that contribute to the persistence of biodiversity nationally and globally. Found across land, freshwater, and marine environments, KBAs support rare and threatened species and ecosystems, as well as key natural processes. They range in size from small patches of habitat to large tracts of land or water. KBAs are designated based on specific, measurable criteria. The designation does not give the site a particular management prescription or legal status. KBAs may encompass private or public land, sometimes overlapping, partially or entirely, with legally protected sites.
The KBA Program strives to ensure that sites are properly identified, their values are well documented and effectively managed, and that these places are adequately safeguarded and receive appropriate resources.


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