We Shall Not Be Moved Collective ownership gives power back to poor farmers
Lim, Audrea Publisher: Harper's Magazine Year Published: 2020 Resource Type: Article
On the Community Land Trust (CLT) model implemented in Georgia to help build economic power among Black farmers.
Abstract: -
Few know that modern-day CLTs originated here in Georgia, in a civil-rights-era experiment to build economic power among poor black farmers. But the model has proved durable. Over the past decade, as real estate developers have carved up cities and driven housing costs beyond the realm of affordabilty, interest in CLTs has swelled. There are now 260 of them in the United States. Advocates say CLTs give communities the space and security to develop neighborhoods according to their needs rather than the demands of the market. The Champlain Housing Trust in Burlington, Vermont, which Senator Bernie Sanders helped establish in 1984, is now America's largest, with 620 owner-occupied homes.
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