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From Trident to Life

Publisher:  Pacific Life Community, Canada
Year Published:  1976  
Pages:  16pp   Price:  $.25  
Resource Type:  Article

Pamphlet outlining PLC's campaign of resistance against the Trident submarine missile system based in Bangor, Wash.

Abstract:  The Pacific Life Community is active in organizing a transnational, nonviolent campaign of resistance against the Trident submarine missile system based in Bangor, Wash. Their pamphlet describes Trident as one component of the United States' "strategic triad" that makes up their nuclear military system. The Trident submarine is judged as being in violation of a number of International Laws because it is planned as an aggressive first strike weapon as opposed to being a deterrent. Economic, environmental and political factors are analyzed. Mentioned is the Canadian protest, federally and in the B.C. legislature over the construction of the submarine base located 50 miles from the Canadian border and the submarine movement, 10 miles from Victoria, B.C. Outlined is the history of nuclear weapons opposition and resistance. The philosophy of the Pacific Life Community is included.


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