CANDU: An Analysis of the Canadian Nuclear Program Part I - Technical Handbook
Publisher: Energy Probe, Toronto, Canada Year Published: 1976 Book Type: Handbooks/Manuals
Resource Type: Article
Handbook on the issues surrounding the nuclear program
Abstract: To help in understanding the basic principles and issues involved in the development of the CANDU nuclear reactor, Energy Probe has prepared a handbook on the issues surrounding the nuclear program. The first part of this handbook describes how the CANDU system works and provides a factual outline of some of the technical controversies related to its operation. It intends to give a basic background knowledge needed to participate in decisions concerning nuclear power. Energy Probe's aim is to present clearly the wide range of choice available in energy development. The basic options they outline are between an expensive energy-intensive, nuclear, centralized, electric society, or a lower energy, more decentralized, softer technology society - a technology society based upon conservation and renewable resources.
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