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Alternatives to Poverty and Welfare in Alberta

Publisher:  Economic Social Planning Council, Edmonton, Canada
Year Published:  1973  
Pages:  38pp   Price:  $1.50  
Resource Type:  Article

A basic accounting of the extent of poverty and of those on welfare in Canada and Alberta.

Abstract:  The extensive document gives a basic accounting of the extent of poverty and of those on welfare in Canada and Alberta and corrects erroneous conceptions about welfare recipients.
The role of minimum wage laws, unemployment inflation trade off, medicare premiums and technology and cybernetics on poverty and increasing welfare rolls are discussed and documented. Various proposed income security programs and the present welfare system is contrasted with a preferred alternative: the alternative includes a Guaranteed Annual Inome with work incentive, higher minimum wage, free health coverage, separation of payments from services, urging the Federal Gov't to adopt a nation-wide G.A.I.
Also available is a pamphlet that complements this document entitled "20 questions on Poverty and Welfare".


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