Latin America and Caribbean INSIDE REPORT
Publisher: Canadian News Synthesis Project and Latin American Working Group, Toronto, Canada Year Published: 1977 Pages: 4pp Resource Type: Article
Report to raise the conciousness of citizens to the political-economic-social situation in Canada and Latin America.
Abstract: This report strives to raise the level of consciousness of Canadian citizens to the political-economic-social situation particularly in Canada and Latin America. The above issue focuses on recent developments in Argentina, in Cuba and in Panama as well as on Canadian involvement in these areas. It reveals the concern of three Canadian M.P,'s, Louis Declos, David Mac Donald and Andrew Brewin, regarding the deteriorating situation of human rights in Argentina noted during their recent fact-finding visit to that country. The report also examines the resulting implications for Canada's stance towards refugees as well as the sale of the CANDU reactor to Argentina. Discussed also is Fidel Castro's reaction to the loss of 57 Cubans in the October 8 DC-8 crash, the work of two Venezuelan agents of the CIA. Of further note is Canada's recent economic investment in Panama by means of a $17 million loan from the Export Development Corporation. Most space in this issue is given up to an analysis of the Canadian shoe industry. While cheap imports from low-wage countries are making higher priced Canadian-made shoes competitive, large shoe manufacturers are expanding their import business to the detriment of local production. They are, moreover, selling the low-cost imports at local prices at the expense of the Canadian consumer. An outstanding example of this kind profit- making is the giant Bata Shoe Company of Canada Ltd. with headquarters in Toronto. Bata operates in 84 countries and employs 84,000 workers, but the decline of the Canadian shoe industry has obviously had little effect on their Bata empire.
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