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Prepared evidence for the case of the Committee for Justice and Liberty
before the National Energy Board's hearings on the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline

Publisher:  Committee for Justice and Liberty, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1977  
Resource Type:  Article

Various materials to be presented to the NEB's hearings opposing further pipeline development.

Abstract:  The Committee for Justice and Liberty Foundation (CJL) is an independent Canadian people's movement that seeks to develop political, economic, and social policies and action programs from a Christian life perspective. CJL's bi-monthly Newsletter is distributed regularly to CJL members and other interested persons. CJL periodically publishes its Political Service Bulletin, which offers commentary on major Canadian issues . These items can be obtained from the above address for a sub. fee of $5.00 annually. The following nine items constitute CJL's case before the National Energy Board's hearings on the Mackenzie Valley natural gas pipeline and definitively point to the need for a moratorium on construction of the pipeline. CJL's most intensive involvement with the hearings will occur sometime in February when fourteen witnesses will testify in Phase 3. This phase will deal with socio-economic, environmental and other public interest matters. The evidence will be ordered as a package at the price of $6.00 or individually at the prices indicated. All materials are available at the above address:
Socio Economic Matters: Phase 3 (c) prepared evidence of: (1) Hugh B & Karmel E. McCullum, Staff coordinators of Project North. 37pp , mimeo, appendix, bibliographical notes. $1.00 - This evidence contains discussion of large-scale resource extraction projects in various parts of Canada, explores what are the common denominators in all of them and shows how our historic, destructive patterns of industrial development are being followed also in the Mackenzie Valley region. The McCullums argue that unless land claims are settled first, there is virtually no way to avoid the devastation, which will most certainly occur if the pipeline is approved.
(2) Melville H. Watkins, Professor of Economics, University of Toronto. 39pp., mimeo, bibliographical notes. $1.00. This evidence contains a discussion of the staples approach to economic development and its impact on Canadian development generally (continentalism) and in particular its impact on Native people (under-development). Professor Watkins explores the theme of what the "public interest" is, argues that includes doing justice to the Native people by dismantling the forces of "under-development" and beginning to set in motion the mechanisms of true development. In this vein he makes concrete suggestions, which would fulfill the Dene demands for self-determination.
(3)Peter H. Russel, Professor of Political Economy, University of Toronto. 20pp. mimeo, appendix, bibliographical notes. $1.00. Professor Russel takes on the legal issues arising out of the Dene declaration. He probes such issues as the constitutionality of the declaration, land ownership and whether or not construction of the pipeline prior to a land settlement violates the rule of law. He concludes that there is an essential harmony between the Dene declaration and the Canadian Constitution and, therefore, no reason not to extend to the Native people the fundamental principles underlying confederation.
(4) Meyer Brownstone, Professor Political Science, University of Toronto and York University, and National Chairman of OXFAM-Canada. 14pp., mimeo. $1.00 Professor Brownstone's evidence relates OXFAM-Canada's involvement with the Dene in their search for self-reliance. He raises questions about the meaning of true development.
(5) Donald G. Simpson, Director of Education Research for the International Development Research Centre. 31pp., mimeo, bibliographical notes. $1.00. This evidence is basically a critique of western notions of development with ample examples from the Third World of what happens with the imposition of inappropriate technologies. He discusses the parallels between the development perspective, which has proved so crippling for the Third World, with what is proposed for the North with construction of the pipeline.
Other Public Interest Matters:
Phase 3(e) prepared evidence of
(6) G. Gustav van Beers, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Guelph. 13 pp.,mimeo, $1.00. Professor van Beers argues that the "economic-growth-maximizing" ideal dominates in our culture as a norm for action. He points out the various ways in which adherence to this ideal misdirects us and erodes other values, which could better lead us into a lifestyle aimed at quality living as opposed to quantitative accumulation of material wealth.
(7)The Most Reverend Edward Walter Scott, Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. 18pp.,mimeo, bibliographical notes. $1.00. Primate Scott's evidence ranges quite broadly over such questions as development and competition. He presents a clear critique of economic growth and progress and shows how affluent North American styles of living lead to global poverty and misery. He advocatres a shift in values, which would allow for phasing in alternate energy sources and which would be productive of a conserver approach to resources.
(8) The Social Affairs Department of the Canadian Catholic Conference. 37pp., mimeo, bibliographical notes. $1.00 This evidence specifically focuses on the impact pipeline construction would have on southern Canadians. It points out what is likely to happen to employment possibilities, social services, small business opportunities and the poor who must somehow absorb the impact of higher energy costs. Another focal point is the increasing power and control the corporations have over our everyday lives.
(9) Gerald Vandezande, Executive Director of the CJL Foundation. 37pp., mimeo, bibliographical notes. $1.00. Mr. Vandezande's evidence seeks to expose how the dominant belief of our culture - that economic growth and progress are to be more highly prized than full human growth-directs Canadian society, determines Canada's energy policy and underlines the several applications to build a Mackenzie Valley gas line. He further goes on to discuss how all of this mitigates against "the public convenience and necessity" of Canadians in both North and South. Finally, Mr. Vandezande suggests alternative criteria to evaluate the need for a pipeline and proposes new values designed to advance the well being of all Canadians.
The December issue of the CJL Newsletter features digests of all the evidence before the NEB. This issue is available for 25c per copy and 10c per copy for orders over 100.


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