Nickersen, Mike Year Published: 1977 Pages: 6pp Resource Type: Article
Brochure that describes "bakaui", a way of life in which people work, in a community context, to develop an ecologically sound way of supporting human life.
Abstract: This pamphlet describes "Bakaui," a way of life in which people work, in a community context, to develop an ecologically sound way of supporting human life. Since any system requiring a continual input of non-renewable resources will eventually exhaust the source of those materials, this "Bakaui" pamphlet recommends that any further development should work toward a system in which the material components are parts of continuing cycles. The energy necessary to advance these cycles should be provided by continually available sources such as sun, wind, moving water and methane. Accordingly, any materials which are not regenerative are to be managed so that they are not lost.
"Bakaui" also promotes such life-based pursuits as interpersonal relationships, spiritual, psychic and intellectual development and experiences which enable human beings to realize their potential.
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