Some Facts About BRIC
Publisher: Black Resources and Information Centre, Canada Year Published: 1977 Pages: 10pp Resource Type: Article
A pamphlet that gives an overview of the effort undertaken to provide Media, Legal and Leadership Training Services to the Black community in Ontario by the Black Resources Information Centre.
Abstract: This pamphlet describing The Black Resources and Information Centre, is written for general information, recruitment of members and funding purposes. It gives an overview of the effort undertaken to provide Media, Legal and Leadership Training Services to the Black community in Ontario. In addition, the pamphlet presents a brief-history of the organization since its 1975 inception. It states the goals, structure, and services provided. Of the goals, two are stated as priorities: putting "blacks in touch with resources that allow the black community to meet its material needs", and secondly, assisting blacks to develop skills and identify through self-determination. To this end, BRIC has developed educational materials, such as books, video-tapes and slides, free legal services, and a half-hour community interest Cable T.V. show.
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