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Publisher:  Kootenay Women's Paper, Canada
Year Published:  1977  
Pages:  16pp   Price:  $.25 cents  
Resource Type:  Article

This is a women's paper using a thematic approach to report on women's activities in the Kootenay area such as the Crafts Conference in February, women's theatre, health, art and politics.

Abstract:  This is a women's paper using a thematic approach to report on women's activities in the Kootenay area such as the Crafts Conference in February, women's theatre, health, art and politics.
One article in the above edition examines highlights of the Working Women's Conference held in Trail, B.C. on February 20-21 of this year [1977]. Among the speakers for the occasion was woman-printer, Joy Langan of Rossland, an active member of the International Typographers Union and currently the one woman on the executive council of the B.C. Federation of Labour. It is in this capacity that Joy works to improve the conditions under which other women can become apprentice printers with fewer barriers to contend with. The group of over forty women attending the conference heard also from Diana Dawson, a steelworker shop steward who has been trained by Cominco to perform the very exacting and skilled job of "pulling" many thousand tons of zinc using an overhead crane and her own muscles. Susan Charlton, Nelson-based Human Rights Officer for the Kootenays, pointed out the injustice of the 140-lb body weight requirements at Cominco's when the actual job-need is the ability to lift a certain weight not occasionally but hundreds of times a day. Maureen Healey, who has represented 9,000 clerical workers in the B.C. Government Employees Union for the past two years, spoke of the need to negotiate contracts with Equal Opportunity (Affirmative Action) Programmes.
Other topics included in the same issue of Images are the Unemployment Insurance Commission (U.I.C.) Maternity Act and the Badgley Report on abortion.


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