Brief for Presentation to the Standing Committee on Labour, Manpower, and Immigration on Bill C27 Proposed Amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act.
Publisher: National Anti-Poverty Organization, Canada Year Published: 1977 Pages: 13pp Resource Type: Article
This is a brief that brings to the attention of the Standing Committee certain inequities in the current system which have been ignored in the proposed amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act (Bill C-7).
Abstract: Since its formation at the Poor People's Conference held in Toronto in January, 1971, the National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) has been the national representative of the 1800 low income groups organised across Canada. It is governed by a board consisting of two elected representatives from each province and territory. NAPO's stated goal is to eliminate poverty in Canada. The above Brief brings to the attention of the Standing Committee certain inequities in the current system which have been ignored in the proposed amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act (Bill C-7). It also makes the following recommendations: (1) that representatives of the unemployed be part of any advisory committee to the department in addition to representatives of employees and employers; (2) that the eight (8)-weeks'-work entrance requirement for the Unemployment Insurance Commission eligibility be retained, especially in view of the current unemployment rate; (3) that the training and retraining programs of manpower be more up to date and that they guarantee the trainee a job upon successful completion of a course; (4) that the method of determining the application of regional extension be clarified; (5) that there be a broader appeal system to protect claimants; (6) that discrimination against wives who fish with their husbands be corrected immediately; (7) that employers advise employees who are having their employment terminated to apply for U.I.C. benefits immediately. Attached to the copy of the Brief are two letters: one, from the Executive Director of NAP0, Ms. Marjorie Hartling, to Mr. Winston Fiander of the Inquiries Branch of the U.I.C., requesting information concerning eligibility for fishing benefits under the Unemployment Insurance Act, dated January 25, 1977; the other, a letter received by NAPO by way of reply, dated March 4, 1977.
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