Project Ploughshares Education/Information Packet
Regehr, Ernie Publisher: Project Ploughshares Research Sector, Canada Year Published: 1977 Resource Type: Book
Project Ploughshares is a joint venture of the Canadian Council of Churches, Canadian Friends Service Committee, Mennonite Central Committee, Canadian University Students Overseas, and Conrad Grebel College. One goal of this organization is to provide public education around the issues of Canadian defence policy and the Canadian arms industry. Another goal is mobilizing support for change.
Abstract: Project Ploughshares is a joint venture of the Canadian Council of Churches, Canadian Friends Service Committee, Mennonite Central Committee, Canadian University Students Overseas, and Conrad Grebel College. One goal of this organization is to provide public education around the issues of Canadian defence policy and the Canadian arms industry. Another goal is mobilizing support for change.
This education/information packet is divided into six sections. In addiiton to these sections, the packet contains documents, excerpts, cartoons, posters, photos, graphics, etc.
1. INTERNATIONAL OVERVIEW: militarization on a world scale - basic figures - The Balance of Terror logic - movements towards disarmarment, SALT and special U.N. assembly. 2. DEVELOPMENT AND MILITARY EXPENDITURE: a) Canada - economic impact and inflation, defense expenditure, and spending on human services, waste. b) The Third World - the cycle of dependence and militarizaiton. 3. THE CANADIAN ARAMENTS INDUSTRY: Ownership - American links - scale - exports to the Third World. 4. DEFENSE ALTERNATIVES AND RECONVERSION: an alternate defense startegy for Canada- Canada in the international system of interest and alliances - ideas and proposals for reconversion of armaments production - work to meet basic social crises of our society, environment, poverty, etc. 5. MILITARY ETHICS AND SOCIETY: the temptation of the State to solve social conflicts through the use of military and police force - the psychology of military life- the military as a self-promoting interest group in society - the Nuremberg precedent - the rise and growth of the modern military dictatorship. 6. GUIDE TO ACTION: educational and political strategies - different approaches to different constituencies public meetings - use of existing institutions - formation of groups - moving into the community - Peace festivals - resources, lobbying, articles and letters to the press/direct action - short history of the peace movements; philosophy and tactics.
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