Group: Ontario North Today
Year Published: 1977 Pages: 1pp Resource Type: Article
An Ontario-wide adult education program which has two goals: to educate urban Ontarians about the culture and lifestyle of native people in Northern Ontario, and to begin a province wide process of public dialogue concerning resource development.
Abstract: "Ontario North Today" is an Ontario-wide adult education program which has two goals: to educate urban Ontarians about the culture and lifestyle of native people in Northern Ontario, and to begin a province wide process of public dialogue concerning resource development.
Groups involved in the "Ontario North Today" project are: Grand Council Treaty #9, the Ontario Metis and Non-Status Indian Associaiton, the Ontario Federation of Labour, Pollution Probe, Plura, and CASNP.
There are two components to Ontario North Today: 1) a bulletin containing loose-leaf articles and fact sheets on Northern land and life; 2) speakers tours are being held the last two weeks of October and will tour 17 cities. It is hoped that Ontario North Today will facilitate an increased understanding of the concerns, both cultural and economic, of the people of Northern Ontario and that people of Southern Ontario will be encouraged to participate in the Hart Commission Hearings.
Call 416-964-0169 for further information.
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